August 18, 2007

Matt McBride on Silt

At Humid City:
So the canal bottom, for nearly half its length (from I-10 to the railroad bridge, which is the southernmost part of the canal, right in front of Pumping Station 6) is nearly half full of silt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read something similar last week about the MR-GO and couldn't help but think of what that might do to surge. I s'pose that on the outfall canals, the pumps would compensate for any lessening of room for outfall water and the gates would stop surge from becoming an issue, but extrapolating the same thinking to the MR-GO's funneling capabilities, it would seem to me that for every foot of bottom lost to silt is a foot of rise in water caused by surge. I'm just sayin'. *sigh*